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A Child's View of the 


Now accepting bookings for 2023




















































Auditions for "A Child's View" will be held on Sunday March 5th, 2023 from 5:00-6:30PM at NEDE Studios.

To register for the audition and for additional information please email us.


A Child’s View of the Holocaust” will be presented by New England Dance Ensemble in the spring of 2023. This original piece was choreographed by NEDE Artistic Director Barbara Mullen in 1990. The company tours annually visiting schools, civic centers and religious communities across New England.  NEDE received the prestigious Hildebrandt Award from the Cohen Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Keene State University.  In 2014, it was featured at the New Hampshire Holocaust Memorial opening in Nashua, NH. Its mission is to commemorate the impacts of Nazi atrocities in Germany during the historical period between 1939 and 1945. It does so artistically and poignantly with music and dramatic interpretation through movement by a highly trained cast of young performers. 


Each Spring, NEDE company members are invited to participate in this performance.  Cast members, ages eight to eighteen, hail from Londonderry, Windham, Derry, Salem, Manchester and several other Southern NH and Massachusetts towns.  The production brings to life a moving theatrical tribute. 






Twenty two years ago I was invited to choreograph a ballet based on the Holocaust.  After almost a year of research on multiple levels I realized that I had been given an opportunity that far exceeded my expectations.  Throughout this period I was overwhelmed with the painful confusion on the faces of the children in movies, books, and documentaries. 


I feel the ballet I have created, “A Child’s View of the Holocaust” has given these children a voice, one that will be heard for ages to come.  It gives a voice to children who are at this time bullied, neglected, abused, or for whatever reason do not “fit in.”  A huge price to pay but if we do not learn from history how will the children of the future live without the painful truth of the past. 


A Child’s View of the Holocaust” is a powerful and moving drama ballet that has been performed for thousands.  Through movement it recognizes the atrocities that occurred towards Jews at the hands of the Nazi party in Germany between 1939 and 1945.   The NEDE performs this production annually in March and April, visiting schools, universities, and religious communities is commemoration of the Holocaust.  


This performance is free and open to the public. NEDE will travel to middle school and high schools thorughout New England during the month of April and May. For more information on the production and future bookings please contact us





© 2014 by NEDE.

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